FAQ for Lumbar Microdiscectomy

“Recovery time” is specific to every patient and their lifestyle and therefore means something different to every patient. Everyone progresses differently in terms of returning to “regular” activities after surgery. In general, it may take 2-6 weeks before you feel ready to resume regular activities and up to 3-6 months before healing is complete.
You have dissolvable sutures that do need to be removed. 
You should continue with daily dressing changes until your first shower on post- operative day #5. At that point, you will remove the current dressing to shower and no further dressings will be needed. Do not put ointments/creams/lotions on the incision. 
For the first week, we ask that you keep the incision dry and not shower, but sponge bathe instead. At 5 days after surgery, you may remove the current dressing, begin showering lightly over the incision, pat the incision dry when done, and leave it open to air (with no further dressings). The steri-strips will fall off on their own, do not actively remove them. Do not soak the incision (ie. sit in a bath, pool, or spa). 
Pain medication is for you to take AS NEEDED for moderate-severe pain. Every patient experiences pain differently, but on average, you should begin to wean from narcotic pain medication by 1-2 weeks post-op. Extra-strength acetaminophen is effective in relieving less severe pain.
The only exercise we recommend during the immediate post-op period is walking. You will begin walking the day after surgery. Walk as much as possible, gradually increasing the distance each day. Your goal should be to walk up to a mile a day by 4 weeks post- op. Future need for physical therapy will be addressed at your post-op visits.
Approximately 3-4 days post-op. You will need to have good control over your legs and be off of prescription pain medication as well.
On average, desk work → 3-6 weeks and heavy work → 6-12 weeks. Some patients may return to work sooner than others depending on their response to surgery and ability to temporarily perform lighter tasks in the work place. Physician approval is required prior to returning to work.
No more than 15 kg during the first 3 weeks post-op.
Use common sense but you should avoid sitting for long periods of time (more than 30 minutes at a time) and anything requiring aggressive bending, lifting, or twisting.
Sexual activity can be resumed when you feel comfortable. Use common sense and proper body mechanics to protect your back.
Heat and ice can be used for comfort, but are not necessary for recovery. When using, be cognizant of incision care.
TED (leg) stockings can be discontinued once you are out of bed and walking frequently.
1st f/up: approximately a week after the operation
2nd f/up: approximately 4 weeks after the operation.