


A camera is inserted into the spine and guided upwards towards the area of interest.
Epiduroscopy is mainly used for two purposes. First to identify and directly view specific locations and severity of scar tissue. Scar tissue often forms around the nerve roots after surgery or a bad injury. Identifying the areas of scar tissue enhances the ability for your doctor to provide the patient with better pain relief options. Secondly, injecting mixtures of local anesthetic and steroids around inflamed nerve roots when more conservative methods have failed 
Yes. This procedure is done under local anesthesia. Patients also receive medications with make the procedure easier to tolerate. The amount of sedation generally depends on patient tolerance. 
The actual injection takes only about an hour; however you will need to spend 4-6 hours at the hospital. 
The injection usually consists of a local anesthetic and steroids.
The patient will be placed face-down. Your doctor will use x- ray to locate the area he believes to be a problem. A small catheter attached to a fibreoptic-Epiduroscope (camera) is inserted into the spine. The camera is advanced upwards using x-ray guidance, until it reaches the area where scar tissue is present. Once in the correct area, scar tissue may be gently broken down. Extensive or resistant scaring may not respond to this procedure. Local anesthetic and steroids are also injected around any inflamed nerve roots. 
You will need a ride home. We advise the patients to take it easy for a day or so after the procedure. Perform activities as tolerated. You may notice an increase in pain following the procedure. This is normal and temporary. Also take your pain medication as prescribed.
Most patients can return to work about 2 days after the procedure.
Initially you may have increased pain, but the beneficial effects can last from several days to months.
As with any procedure there are risks, side effects, and possibility of complications. The most common side effect is pain-which is temporary. Note: This procedure cannot be performed if you have an active infection, flu, cold, fever, or very high blood pressure. Please make us aware of these conditions.

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